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Friday, August 3, 2012

Cope With Your Stress By Using This Advice


Cope With Your Stress By Using This Advice.

Frustrating, overwhelming or painful events can bring stress into your life. The strain of negative emotions can cause you to focus even more on the problems, which will cause your stress levels to soar. Try implementing these ideas to get a handle on any stressful feelings or situations in your life.

You don't want to bug your friends to death by recounting every single life stress you experience on a regular basis. But discussing problems and their accompanying feelings is sometimes necessary. True friends will always give your their support by being there for you, although you do not want to overuse their support by turning them into your therapist.

Limit your daily caffeine intake. Caffeine increases the body's production of stress hormones, so the more coffee you drink, the more stressed you are likely to become. Attempt to replace coffee with some green tea to reduce the stress.

Finding the right support system to help you cope with life's stress is essential to your stress management. An attentive ear and a supportive shoulder can make a big difference when you feel like stress is getting the better of you. Begin as soon as possible to build yourself a support system.

If you are a young adult, or young at heart, try playing a video game as a way to unwind. Your mind is busy concentrating on strategy while you play, clearing your mind and leaving less room for stress. Playing alone can help, or playing with a friend can be even more fun.

Sipping on hot tea can relieve your stress. There are many varieties of tea that help with stress, such as chamomile or kava kava. To get the most of the herbs in these teas, steep them for about 10 minutes. Drink a cup every morning or each night before going to bed to reduce your stress.

Always look for ways to prepare yourself for whatever tomorrow may bring. Preparation can translate to instant relief in stressful situations. Each thing that you do during the course of a day increases your stress level, so doing something simple, like preparing your lunch for work a day in advance, will get you started on the right foot in the morning.

Keep a record of your stress in a journal. Whenever you find yourself becoming stressed, record every detail in your journal, including what you were thinking. Use the journal to see if there are any patterns that you should avoid. When something similar occurs again, you can look back at previous patterns and identify what you need to do, in order to avoid a stressful thought pattern.

Relax your jaw so that you stop gritting your teeth. Your jaw is a primary area in which you will express your stress. When you are stressed, touch your jaw, clench, breathe slowly in, and then release. Hopefully, this will offer a measure of relief.

Every funny moment or joke you come across should be entered into it. This will not only prove to be an incredible amount of fun, but writing the situations down increases their presence within your thoughts, which leads to generally lighter moods.

Regular activity and exercise is an effective way to relieve stress and bring a feeling of accomplishment. Although not a perfect solution, it will alleviate immediate stress, reduce physical tension and if you make it a regular part of your life, can really provide you with a positive activity to keep looking forward to. You will regain control, gain self-confidence from your toned body, and boot stress to the curb all at the same time.

Stress cause stress, and ends up creating a repetitive cycle that can overwhelm even very emotionally stable people. Once you start to take care of the stress in your life and start moving towards a positive direction, it will seem like losing stress will cause you to continue losing more of it: another never-ending cycle.



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